University of Swing 2025

Fri 07 Mar 2025 - Sun 09 Mar 2025

University of Swing 2025

Ticket sales for this event have closed.
Join us in March at University of Swing 2025 for a fabulous weekend of dancing in the heart of Scotland's capital. Come and study in style with our fantastic lineup of professors, bands and DJs!

Prospective students applying to University of Swing can select one of four degrees in Lindy Hop and Solo Jazz. Each degree offers three classes per day, two of which will focus on Lindy Hop and one on Solo Jazz, for a total of 7.5 hours of dance classes! Additionally, all degrees will include a history and culture lecture and a discussion panel to ensure a well-rounded programme.

Social dances will take place every night, with our Welcome Matriculation on Friday, University Ball on Saturday and Graduation on Sunday. There will be fabulous live music every evening as well as our amazing DJs - keep an eye on our social media for band announcements soon. On Saturday there will also be the opportunity to participate in Mix & Match and Solo Jazz competitions.

Concession tickets are available for EUSDS members, students, and those who need them. Please see below for more information on our Pay-It-Forward scholarship fund.

Our Degrees

Bachelor’s of Swing (BSwi)

Students who are newer to dancing and are excited about getting a better understanding of the fundamentals of Swing should consider getting their Bachelor's of Swing. If you can connect with a partner, distinguish a step-step from a triple step, and are familiar with some of the basic figures like Lindy circles and Swing outs, this degree may be for you. Get ready to boost your skills and dance all weekend!

Master’s of Swing (MSwi) 

This degree is aimed at students who have been dancing for quite a while and are comfortable with most of the classic vocabulary. You may regularly take intermediate classes in Lindy Hop, and you’re eager to expand your knowledge of moves, rhythm and musicality. You mostly feel comfortable on the social dance floor, but you may find fast tempos, crowded floors or improvisation challenging. Get ready to push yourself outside of your comfort zone! 

PhD in Swing (PhDSwi) 

This degree is aimed at experienced swing dancers who are ready to work on refining their existing technique. You may regularly take advanced Lindy Hop classes and you have probably travelled (nationally or internationally) for several dance events. You are comfortable dancing at a wide variety of tempos and you’re able to quickly pick up new material in class by watching the teachers and then trying it yourself. You’re excited to work on improvisation, further developing your own style and exploring different rhythms at UoS.

Postdoc in Swing (PDSwi)

This degree is for the most seasoned dancers who have been working on advanced concepts for a while already. You might teach classes locally and/or frequently travel to international dance events. You probably train by yourself or with a partner regularly, and you have a strong sense of rhythm, musicality and your own personal style. You are eager to keep developing as a dancer with a deeper and more complex exploration of concepts, and you are ready to dive into the nitty gritty of techniques, improvisation and partner communication.  

An important note on our degrees: We want to emphasise that at the end of the day, we are all here to dance with one another. We acknowledge that levels are a consequence of learning this dance in an artificial class context, and we hope that on the social floor we can put them aside.

By having leveled degrees in Swing, we hope to make it easier for teachers to target their content appropriately and help students get the most out of their classes, not to stop people from dancing together. We will not be holding auditions, so please carefully read the degree descriptions and pick the level that is the best fit for you. Teachers and organisers reserve the right to recommend degree changes during the weekend.

Early Bird Discounts

Early Bird Discounts are available to the first 20 submitted applications! The Early Bird Discount can be applied to full and social passes at the Standard and Concession rate. However, it can’t be combined with the Group Discount. Please use the code ‘EARLYBIRD20’ for a £5 discount on your tickets.

Group Discounts

In the spirit of promoting friendship among the University of Swing’s students, the Finance team are thrilled to announce the University of Swing 2025 Group Discount Scheme! Group discounts are available for groups of five or more. Groups applying to University of Swing will get a discount of £5 per ticket for every 5 people, up to a maximum of £20. The Group Discount is applicable to both Standard and Concession-rate full passes, but can’t be combined with the Early Bird Discount. 

Group discount tickets are handled outside of Dancecloud. Please email us at with a list of your group members, their emails, their chosen degree and role (lead/follow/switch) and whether their ticket is a concession or a regular pass to arrange a discount for your group.


We believe that financial reasons should not prevent anyone from attending the University of Swing. While we aim to deliver a high-quality fun and educational dance event, we recognise that this also comes with high costs reflected in the ticket prices. If the price of our tuition would prevent you from being able to come, please get in touch with a UoS staff member via EUSDS social media (Facebook or Instagram) or email. We will do our best to find you a scholarship that covers part of your ticket.  

If you are a prospective University of Swing student who would like to contribute towards the University’s scholarship fund in order to make this possible, you can add one or more Pay-it-Forward “extras” when buying your ticket via Dancecloud in order to donate.   

If you’re not sure which degree is right for you, or you have any questions about the weekend, please contact the University of Swing team via EUSDS social media (Facebook or Instagram) or directly email us at and we’ll be happy to help!

Good luck with your application, we hope to see you at University of Swing this coming semester!